Who We Are?

About Us

At Vertex Research and Education, we are passionate about fostering a culture of research and learning by doing. Our mission is to provide a platform that empowers individuals to
explore, learn, and contribute to the ever-expanding world of gene function.

Vertex Research and Education

Research Excellence

We believe in the power of research to drive innovation and change and bring you the opportunity to execute projects for a dissertation, thesis, or internship. These projects will cover various aspects of research such as hypothesis testing, experimental design and execution, data collection, analysis & presentation.

A report will need to be prepared after completion of each project.

Education for All

Education is the key to personal and societal growth, and that is why we are committed to making quality educational resources accessible to everyone. Whether you’re a student or a professional, Vertex offers a diverse range of projects and resources to cater to your learning needs.

Explore the Wonders of Developmental Biology Cell Biology & Stem Cells

At Vertex Research Lab, we are interested in unraveling the mysteries of life at the cellular and molecular levels. Our passion lies in the fields of developmental biology, cell biology, and stem cell research, where we strive to make ground-breaking contributions to our understanding of life’s fundamental processes.


Dr. Gokul Kesavan

Principal Scientist and the Founder-Proprietor of Vertex Research and Education

With a distinguished career spanning over 17 years, Dr. Kesavan is recognized as an accomplished and innovative researcher. His academic journey is marked by impactful research carried out at prestigious institutions, including the Lund Stem Cell Center at Lund University, Sweden (where he earned his doctorate) & The DFG Center for Regenerative Therapies in Dresden, Germany (where he pursued postdoctoral studies). Going beyond his outstanding academic achievements, Dr. Kesavan has immersed himself in the dynamic realm of Biotech Startups for the past four years. This period has seen him seamlessly integrate scientific expertise with entrepreneurial acumen. Dr. Kesavan’s dual perspective positions him as a true pioneer, effectively bridging the gap between cutting-edge research and its real-world applications.

Thesis Supervision

Throughout the calendar year of 2023, Dr. Kesavan has provided effective guidance to undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) students, facilitating the successful completion of their dissertation theses. A total of over 50 biotechnology students from esteemed institutions such as Dyananda Sagar University, M.S. Ramaiah College, and Bangalore University accomplished a remarkable 12 projects under Dr. Kesavan's supervision.

Workshops and Training Programs

Dr. Kesavan has also organized and conducted workshops, along with hands-on training programs, focusing on stem cells and CRISPR-based gene editing. These sessions were tailored for UG, PG, and faculty members, and were held in various city colleges, contributing to a comprehensive and engaging learning experience.